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Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Being pregnant is awesome in a very crazy, weird, love/hate way. here are my current top six events of pregnancy:
1. Feeling a little human being inside of you: coolest thing ever. Isa loves to kick. I picture her as an energetic strong willed little girl. I will be sitting in the most random place like staff meeting at work and she will start kicking, and i will slowly put my hand in my stomach and enjoy every moment. At nights I like laying on my side because it helps with the heartburn (heartburn story next). Isabella doesn't like it so she will start kicking me on my side until I move. So i'll switch sides. but she'll start kicking my other side too. Finally I give in and lay on my back and start laughing imagining my little stubborn baby smiling inside because she got her way. She is just like her mom.

2. Heartburn. This one is awful in a funny way. So one night I'm by myself laying in bed and all of a sudden I feel my chest burning. I start freaking out thinking I'm having a heart attack. (i had never had heartburn before) I start holding my chest and almost cried and then I remember one of the common pregnancy symptoms: Heartburn. I lay there laughing with relief since I'm not dying but then stop because it makes the heartburn worse.

3. I'm on a seafood diet: I see food and I eat it. So at the beginning of my pregnancy I didn't know how prego ladies gained weight. I never wanted to eat and everything looked gross. After this past month, I definitely know how we gain wait. I eat like a bear. I find myself around the dinner table with people and everyone is saying how stuffed they are and I'm thinking "hmm I could probably eat another plate." Or I'll wake up at 3 in the morning have a bowl of cereal and then wake up in the morning starving as if I've been fasting for days.

4. Hormones. Honestly my mood swings aren't terrible but I have had some funny moments. One night Stephen came home at 6:00am after his 8 hour graveyard shift and found me balling in bed. I had just had a nightmare of my grandma dying and i couldn't stop crying. I seriously cried for about half an hour. Stephen finally just went to the bathroom (since that's the only way we can give each other privacy in our studio apartment) and said he would just let me cry it out. Oh and then the day I got furious at the contact lense lady at Cotsco because she sucks at explaining how their deals work. I drove home bashing on her the whole way and all Stephen said was at least this time you are mad at her and not me (so sad but so true)

5. Soreness. if you see me walking around campus like I just got off a horse don't judge me. My whole body feels like I just ran a marathon. The worse is when I drop something and I have to pick it up or when I am laying in bed and have to take one of my many bathroom breaks. On Sunday I took a bath and was so sore I had to have Stephen pull me out of the bathtub cause I couldn't get up by myself. For some reason this was hilarious to Stephen and he stood there laughing for a minute before helping me out.

6.Gym time. For some weird reason this past month I have loved going to the gym. It helps me work on the mood swings and makes me feel like I'm doing something about the huge belly (even though it keeps growing). Plus it keeps me busy while my poor husband works his butt off in either his work, his internship or school. Yesterday a girl told me I was a champ for being there and to take it easy. And you know what I realized? She is right, I'm a champ for being there! Go me

Can I just fast forward through the next 3 months and have my little girl in my hands?