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Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Something has happened and I don't know how I feel about it. Somehow this little old run down town has creeped into my heart. Something shifted in the last couple of months. I used to want to pack up and runaway back to my lovely i miss you so much Utah. I felt like a traveler just passing along ready to move back home as soon as Stephen was done with his stuff.

But now I drive down the dirt roads, the massive trees, little shops our weekly spots and it all feels so comfortable and ours. I don't know though. As I see Isabella with her friends running around, hugging them, squealing in delight, little arms flying yelling their names after a WHOLE week of not seeing them, my heart breaks a little. How in the world are we going to leave this place now? I built a nice little wall around my heart to avoid the heartbreak but brick by brick it has fallen down and this small 60's town and it's wonderful people have taken a place in my heart.  For better or for worse, this is home now.