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Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Life is a funny thing. There are curve balls and hidden ditches all along the way. Stephen and I planned our life pretty well (or so we thought). College, internship, baby, PA school, picket fence, more kids, you get the picture. Perfectly planned. Well life is not meant to be perfectly planned.
We have struggled finding the experience and curriculum necessary to get into his physician assistant masters program.  Because I'm the kind of person who plans everything ten years in advanced, I have had a hard time with the uncertainty of our future. I know things will work out because Stephen is the most hardworking person I know but I'm still a girl so I can't help but worry and plan.
          But like anything in life, without trials and struggles, there is no growth. No pain no gain right? And let me tell you there has been a TON of growth this past year.
         Long story short the day before Stephen went into an office to find out more about joining the Air Force to get more in depth medical experience (not my favorite option to say the least), he got an interesting phone call from a college buddy who is currently in med school. How would he like to work for his father, an eye surgeon who owns a surgical center, and work for him as a MA/PA? yes please.
   This is an experience most medical students dream of. It suffices to say he is by far under qualified for the job they have offered him. His friend's dad is an amazing man who lets grad students work for him to help them get into their medical programs. We have prayed and talked and dreamed and well basically everything you can do and have decided this is basically mana from heaven.
         Some minor details I forgot to mention: It's in Missouri and we have to be there Dec 1st. WHAT?! It's in a small town called West Plains. Just to paint you a picture of how small, the high school band will play as the mayor holds a banner as our car enters the town. Maybe a bit much, but really when we called around for housing, all the landlords knew the doctor Stephen will be working with, some even guessed we were LDS (Mormon) and one had no housing available but sent me a calender of all the events happening in the town for the next 2 months along with some tips of where to have fun with a 15 month old (a little weird but helpful).
       To say the least, we are extremely excited and scared for this huge change in our lives. Living in Utah has been amazing and I will miss it here but can't wait to see what awaits for us in West Plains. Did I mention winters only last 3-4 months there?

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