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Sunday, February 22, 2015


Today was one of those days. During sacrament Isa would not stay still. Between taking stuff out of the lady's purse in front of us and trying to touch the people behind us while we prayed, we were done. After rock paper scissors Stephen lost so he took her out. Then came back and after a repeat of the above, I took her to the bathroom cause I really needed to go, and ended up chasing her down with my skirt at my ankles praying no on would come in as she pulled all the toilet paper out and ran through the stalls. Nursery could not have come sooner.

We got home and after budgeting for a while and calculating student loans for graduate school I was so depressed I just laid down and tried not to think of anything. Well we all woke up a little happier and I decided to give Stephen some alone time which he rarely gets. Everything was going great. We played house and gave all our stuffed animals tea, gave each other foot massages, played the drum and the piano and I finally felt like I had done something right today. Until I decided we were going to paint our nails. I painted Isa's she painted mine and we had a blast, until I decided how cute a picture would be of our nails together and in the second I turned around Isabella grabbed the bottle of nail polish and poured it ALL over the carpet. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed so now if you squint and stand faraway, you can't see it.

Enough said. It was a rough day. As I rocked Isabella to sleep and looked at her beautiful, perfect face and wondered why in the world I got to be her mother, the words of this hymn came to mind:

I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford
I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby
Temptations lose their power
When Thou art nigh
I need Thee, oh, I need Thee
Every hour I need Thee
Oh, bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee

Tears rolled down my face as I sang to Isabella. I rocked her a little longer tonight, I needed that indescribable comfort holding her asleep in my arms brings. Oh truly how I need Him every hour lately. I have felt His arms around me so much lately helping me, holding me up, guiding me. It will all be okay, thanks to Him, it will all be okay. 

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