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Sunday, July 14, 2013


Isabella Luz Wells was born on July 14th,2013. 3 days after my birthday. It all the started my birthday morning when I went to the doctor's office to get checked. Turns out I'm 4cm dialated and 90% effaced so they offer to induce me on Sunday if she doesn't come by then. Sunday comes and we decide to get induced. I was so weird just calmly walking into the hospital to go have my baby. I always pictured myself as one of those crazy ladies who walks in screaming in pain "get me the juice!!" Instead I got hooked up to Percocet and in 25 min I was getting contractions. I saw no need for pain so the moment they offered it I accepted the epidural. The man who gave it to me, bless his heart, had a thick Indian accent. I could not for the life of me understand what he was saying. I think he said "roll over like a cat" like 4 times until the nurse translated for him. Instantly the contractions went away. THANK YOU inventor of the epidural!!
It was ll so calm and painless. I kept on dialating and a lady came in and broke my water. We tried watching tv but it just felt weird to watch tv as I waited. About 2.5 hours had passed since I entered the hospital. Then they come in and tell me it's time to push. At this point I felt like I hadn't done anything except roll over like a cat so it all felt like I wasn't having a baby. The pushing part made up for that. I pushed for 2 hours with very little progress. By the way my doctor hasn't even showed up at this point I'm with a nurse and my mom and Stephen are holding my legs apart. TMI but you get the picture. It was not what I expected. Finally Doctor Broadbent shows up and everything speeds up real fast. He says I have two options c section or forceps. We decided on forceps and within 15 minutes he is pulling Isabella out and I hear the sweetest, loudest, baby cries. She came out loud and strong willed just like her momma. My biggest memory of my labor is those 20 seconds when I felt Isabella's little body come out of me. It was such a surreal experience. It was the first time our bodies were separated, up to then it felt like we were one.  As soon as the delivery was over I start crying and can't stop. My whole body is shaking especially my hands. It took me a minute or two before I could hold Isabella because I was nervous of dropping her. I didn't realize how scared I was because the pushing took so long until I held her. Oh what a sweet experience that is. So little, so fragile.
One of the things that makes Isabella's birth so special is what she looked like. From the moments anyone laid their eyes on our new baby it was like looking at a mini Stephen. At that moment in our lives it was just what her daddy needed: a reminder of the potential he had and the greatness he could create. I am so grateful that we were sent such a special gift.

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