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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Mom Confessions

Throughout the day sometimes I find myself writing imaginary blog posts about mom confessions I have. Stuff that might be hard to share but I know I KNOW someone else is feeling or could learn from. I picture Isabella or Olivia one day as young moms with their own little ones at their feet "i want apple juice!" "why isn't it movie time?" "2 hours?! are you kidding me?! that is forever from now!" "mommy can you wipe my butt? i pooped" "mommy Oli just pooped" "mom i need you!" "mommy I'm hungry!" "mommy can we play cook cook?" "mommy your name is rainbow dash!" "mommy i need it now!" " mommy when is daddy going to be home? I miss him" and I imagine them as overwhelmed, tired, lonely and anxious as I feel sometime. Of course our days are filled with beautiful moments that make me teary eyed and thank my lucky stars for getting to be the mom of these amazing girls  but those moments are easily recorded and shared. It is those moments when you are at your wits end, when your patience is tried and you become a witch and the children seem like little monsters, those are the moments that we as moms tend to just push to the back corners of our memories never to be thought of, analyzed or heaven forbid recorded. But I have found in the last year some amazing brave moms who have put themselves out there in vulnerable ways and have at least to this one young mom in a small town in Missouri given a safe place to find comfort, advice and sometimes just strength that comes from realizing you are not alone. So to my girls Isabella, Olivia, any other little girl I might have some day, and any mom out there feeling like they are about to pull there hair out and jump out the window these are my mom confessions.

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