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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

IT'S A.....

So yesterday was crazy because we found out what our little baby is! It was extra special because Cyndee is in town and she got to come with Isabella. Boy sounded like a fun new adventure but I come from the funnest house full of girls so I also kind of liked that idea. Stephen, lets be honest, was kind of hoping for a boy since he needs some testosterone level in the house.

As we waited in the lobby I watched this three rowdy little boys chasing each other around throwing crayons in the air and tackling each other as there mothers tried to catch them and sit them down. I look over at Isabella who is sitting quietly in a chair looking at a book, with her little dogs sitting next to her. I walked into that office a bit biased I must say.

Cyndee and Isabella waited outside because Isabella wasn't allowed in at first, they would come in later to see pictures. I was so giddy with excitement. Thank goodness it was a much better experience than Isabella's ultrasound. This is how our doctor told us last time: "It's a boy without a penis!" I know what you're thinking "so inappropriate Valeria!" well we thought the same thing when he said it. This time around, I got the sweetest technician who joined right into my excitement. As she moved the image around we looked in between those little legs and it was clear as day: another little girl!!! My heart kind of shifted around for a few minutes getting used to the idea and then happily settled down. Me and my girls, I kind of love that.

Cyndee and Isabella came in at the end and joined in the party. Isabella loved looking at the screen and kept pointing at "bebe". She totally got we were looking at a baby! My mother in law is just happy she gets to hang out with girls now haha. Stephen was at work so we went to pick him up and surprise him.We drove to Dollar General and bought a Dora the Explorer balloon (as a joke of what our new Honduran girl will look like hahaha) and a pink bib were we spelled It's a Girl! As he walked out Isabella went running to him holding the balloon and wearing the bib and honestly he looked stunned. He kept asking so is it a boy? hahaha no Stephen it's a girl. are you sure it's not a boy? nope all girl. Remember he grew up with 5 brothers no girls so this was kind of overwhelming. After digesting the news for a bit he is super excited and says it's Heavenly Father's way of telling him we need to have another one haha. Well baby girl we can't wait to meet you and see if you are as crazy as your big sis! Dec 8th countdown.

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