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Tuesday, July 14, 2015


On our way back home we decided to do some temple hopping. We were planning on hitting Atlanta, Burmingham, and Memphis but decided to skip Memphis for the sake of time. As we drove into the Atlanta temple area I felt such a special spirit there. The night was perfect, not to hot or cold and the grounds just made me feel at home. We walked around a couple times as Isabella skipped around and made silly noises.

I will never forget that tiny temple in Burmingham Alabama. It had been 7 months since we last attended the temple since St. Louis is 7 hours away round trip and we have no one to leave Isabella with. I had been looking foward to this temple trip for months and was hoping to walk in with a clear. peaceful mind.As we drove in Isabella exploded her diaper because the poor girl had diarrhea. She was crying, I was pregnant, she wouldn't let anyone touch her but me, it was 100 plus degrees outside and when I picked her up the poop was all over her dress and back. I took a deep breath and decided I would not get flustered. I would not get flustered. I would not get flustered! I grabbed her blanket spralled it on the grass outside the temple (maybe not the most appropriate place but it worked!) and stripped her down naked and wiped her down until all the poop was gone. Opened up suitcases, got new clothes, and lost 5 pounds in sweat. Not bad for a first timer. Cyndee stayed outside with Isabella while we went in. I took a deep breath and tried to get into temple mode and out of poop mode. As soon as we walked through those doors all the stress was gone replaced by peace.

The workers at the temple were extremely nice. They met Cyndee in the waiting room and actually gave her keys to the chapel so Isabella could play in the nursery. I tear up just thinking of how kind and thoughtful they were. 

My experience inside was so sacred and I received so much strength and guidance on how to be a better mother, wife and woman. While I was in there I read Mosiah 4 and felt so strongly that I should build our family values based on this chapter. I have etched verse 4 in my heart:

"If ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of His love, and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come"

I never want to forget that. I want to teach my children to never forget that.

I know that the temple is the House of God. The covenants we make there are real and powerful. They save families. They make marriages sacred and strong. The things we learn inside the temple will save us. It is a place of refuge and peace were we can feel Heavenly Father's love like nowhere else. I am so grateful to have temples, to be able to go in them and seek comfort and answers to my questions. 

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